Tuesday, June 23, 2009

From MoDOT 2002 Environmental Assessment:

23SL735 is a historic site located on the south side of Olive Boulevard. Recorded by Naglich and Nixon in 1989, site 23SL735 includes the Arminia Lodge Cemetery (circa 1874-1905) as well as the buildings at the neighboring Prestien Farm complex. The Prestien Farm complex is considered eligible for the National Register of Historic Places in the areas of architecture and agriculture.
Reading on in the EA, page 101:

All of the buildings at the farm complex are located within the area of proposed new right of way and would be demolished to make way for the proposed improvements. Impacts to the property cannot be avoided through redesign since the corridor at Olive Boulevard is so narrowly constrained that the highway would still bisect the farm and significantly alter the historic setting of the complex. There is no practical alternative for construction of the proposed highway improvements on the preferred alignment that would not result in an adverse effect on the historic Prestien property.

How can they do this?!


  1. Pictures of Prestien Farm and Arminia Cemetery: http://picasaweb.google.com/ResponsibleProgress/PrestienFarmAndArminiaCemetery#
